Honestly, my blogspot is really dull because it doesn't have any blogrolls or links that may direct you to other blogsites. Why? Coz I don't know how. Funny though but that's true. And what I want now is add people to my site. And in order for that to happen, I need your URL's.
Please feel free to post your URL's. I will add your URL as soon as possible.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
URL Please..
Posted by
8:38 AM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Wedding Crashers!
Last May 24,2008, I went to my old college school and visited some of my college friends as well as my former teachers. While I was staying in the Associate Dean's office, the current Associate Dean invited me and my schoolmates to the wedding of one of the faculties of ITE. I was quite surprised about the news and get excited so without any hesitation, I said Yes. Together with me were Sister Lorie, Sir Jomitya, Jazi, Tin, James and me.

But haha we were also in the reception. Me, james, tin and jazi were laughing when we reached in the reception coz again, we were gate crashers. We really sat there and joined the relatives and friends of the couple as if like we were also one of them.
The place was nice. The celebration was perfect for the couple to feel one of the greatest moments of the marriage life. We didn't finish the celebration coz it was getting late and we still have other priorities and commitments during that time.

Being a wedding crasher is not that bad. You tend to learn many things about it. Like how things to be done in a wedding.

Posted by
8:41 AM
Friday, May 23, 2008
I'm receiving too much depression tonight!I have been struggling from this depression for about a week now. I want to do something about it but I just can't. I need it but I just can't get it. I wanted to cry but there are no more tears that come out from my eyes. My eyes are dry, dry for more tears. Pain has been overtaking my whole system. To the extent that I may hate someone that is somebody.I'm tired of being me. I want to be somebody else.
Posted by
7:50 AM
Labels: depression
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Global Warming!
Have you heard about the melting of ice bergs in the northern part of this globe? It melted down and cause an impact to the water. Actually, the water level increases and polar bears are starting to lose hope for their own habitat.
Have you observed lately that it's really hot and after few minutes, it rains? YEs, I have observed that one and it's very dangerous specially to our health.
Well then, if you experience those things above? Maybe we are really suffering from global warming. So what is global warming?
According to wiki, Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century, and its projected continuation.
What causes global warming?
According to http://www.ecobridge.org/content/g_cse.htm, there are many reason of global warming and here are the list.
1. Carbon Dioxide from Power Plants
2. Carbon Dioxide Emitted from Cars
3. Carbon Dioxide from Airplanes
4. Carbon Dioxide from Buildings
5. Methane
6. Water Vapor in the Atmosphere Increasing
7. Nitrous oxide
8. and a whole lot more.
see causes of global warming
In other words, almost every part of human life causes the global warming. In that case, it's very hard to control especially if it's already part of your company, routine and etc. Maybe the best thing that we can do is to look for other stuff that can't make a very bad impact to our global warming. ayt?
Posted by
9:44 AM
Labels: environment, global warming