Everything is really expensive nowadays, from food to clothing to bills and everything. Add this discontented situation doesn't stop there because even the taxis ask for an additional 10 to your final rate! Example: your bill is supposed to be P30.00 only, but because of the new law you have to add P10.00 to your final rate. So if your bill will be this: P30.00(final rate) plus P10.00(mandated by law)= P40.00 that will be your final bill. Ain't it expensive?
Wohoo, before I can still afford to ride a taxi wherever I want to go, but now, just because of that law, I think I have to adjust my budget again..
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Plus ten to taxi!
Posted by
10:23 AM
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Sampaguita For Sale
Tonight, while me and my hubby rode a taxi heading for mall and the stop light was on its control, a little girl, around eight or nine years old, ran to our taxi and tried to sell Sampaguita flowers to us on the right window and a boy with the same age as her on my left window asking for money. Me and my hubby said no to them because we don't want them to get used with that because aside from its really dangerous on their part, its not their responsibility to look for money at that very young age.
When the traffic light shifted from red to green, the little girl and boy ran fast at an islet dividing the two roads. From that, I tend to ask myself, where are their parents? Why are they selling? Have they eaten dinner? What will happen to them if they will be "hit and run"?
Posted by
8:56 AM
Labels: child labor, sampaguita, street children
Friday, June 6, 2008
Rain Pours
Yesterday, June 5,2008, Davao City experienced a very heavy rain that resulted to flood on the streets of the city. Though it was just like an hour of a very heavy rain, still it flooded. I was wondering why it happened that usually few years ago Davao City, never experienced this kind of event.
And today, It's been raining since past 7:00 in the evening and time check, it's 1:10 am in the morning, still on its heavy rain status. What will happen to Davao city tomorrow after this rain?
Posted by
9:55 AM
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Certified Selosa
I've been wandering around in the Internet especially my other half's blog. In his shout box, I noticed there are a lot of visitors who blog hop than mine-but I really don't mind about it. But what I'm very particular of are the Visitors. When I visited some of those girl visitors, he interacts with them without my knowledge that usually, he really informs me what he usually do. And how coincidentally, he interacts with most of the women.
And now, I suddenly realize that maybe blogging is not really for me coz I tend to monitor my other half's blog every now and then. Maybe if i didn't join this blogging community, i might have less knowledge about his doings. And this is what I really hate most, I really don't like him to interact with other girls. Boys are perfectly fine with me as long as they don't talk about girl stuffs. Coz if ever they talk about girl stuffs like make-ups and dresses, hmmm, maybe that's another story.
Posted by
8:27 AM
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
URL Please..
Honestly, my blogspot is really dull because it doesn't have any blogrolls or links that may direct you to other blogsites. Why? Coz I don't know how. Funny though but that's true. And what I want now is add people to my site. And in order for that to happen, I need your URL's.
Please feel free to post your URL's. I will add your URL as soon as possible.
Posted by
8:38 AM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Wedding Crashers!
Last May 24,2008, I went to my old college school and visited some of my college friends as well as my former teachers. While I was staying in the Associate Dean's office, the current Associate Dean invited me and my schoolmates to the wedding of one of the faculties of ITE. I was quite surprised about the news and get excited so without any hesitation, I said Yes. Together with me were Sister Lorie, Sir Jomitya, Jazi, Tin, James and me.

But haha we were also in the reception. Me, james, tin and jazi were laughing when we reached in the reception coz again, we were gate crashers. We really sat there and joined the relatives and friends of the couple as if like we were also one of them.
The place was nice. The celebration was perfect for the couple to feel one of the greatest moments of the marriage life. We didn't finish the celebration coz it was getting late and we still have other priorities and commitments during that time.

Being a wedding crasher is not that bad. You tend to learn many things about it. Like how things to be done in a wedding.

Posted by
8:41 AM
Friday, May 23, 2008
I'm receiving too much depression tonight!I have been struggling from this depression for about a week now. I want to do something about it but I just can't. I need it but I just can't get it. I wanted to cry but there are no more tears that come out from my eyes. My eyes are dry, dry for more tears. Pain has been overtaking my whole system. To the extent that I may hate someone that is somebody.I'm tired of being me. I want to be somebody else.
Posted by
7:50 AM
Labels: depression
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Global Warming!
Have you heard about the melting of ice bergs in the northern part of this globe? It melted down and cause an impact to the water. Actually, the water level increases and polar bears are starting to lose hope for their own habitat.
Have you observed lately that it's really hot and after few minutes, it rains? YEs, I have observed that one and it's very dangerous specially to our health.
Well then, if you experience those things above? Maybe we are really suffering from global warming. So what is global warming?
According to wiki, Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century, and its projected continuation.
What causes global warming?
According to http://www.ecobridge.org/content/g_cse.htm, there are many reason of global warming and here are the list.
1. Carbon Dioxide from Power Plants
2. Carbon Dioxide Emitted from Cars
3. Carbon Dioxide from Airplanes
4. Carbon Dioxide from Buildings
5. Methane
6. Water Vapor in the Atmosphere Increasing
7. Nitrous oxide
8. and a whole lot more.
see causes of global warming
In other words, almost every part of human life causes the global warming. In that case, it's very hard to control especially if it's already part of your company, routine and etc. Maybe the best thing that we can do is to look for other stuff that can't make a very bad impact to our global warming. ayt?
Posted by
9:44 AM
Labels: environment, global warming
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
buzz from yahoo
Internet addictions: A real medical menace?
Alcohol, drugs, food, sex, and even shopping are all candidates for medical treatment and are recognized as genuine mental disorders, so what about the Internet? Internet addiction -defined as "excessive gaming, sexual pre-occupations, and email/text messaging" - is becoming so common that at least one psychiatrist says it merits inclusion in psychiatry's official handbook of mental illness, the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders."
Dr. Jerald Block of the Oregon Health and Science University is the latest voice pushing for this inclusion, noting that tech junkies display genuinely debilitating behavior, including drug-like cravings, withdrawal, and a constant need for more and better gear - just like a substance addict might exhibit.
But other doctors comment that Internet addiction, while it may be real, is too new of a condition and needs further study before being medically classified. There might be something to this: No one wants people being medicated or institutionalized if they aren't genuinely ill.
The "Manual of Mental Disorders" won't be published again until 2012, but an early draft will arrive for public comment in 2009. Meanwhile, mind docs say the problem is growing, now possibly affecting up to 10 percent of Internet users. Recent studies are surprising, indicating the problem is worst not among game-obsessed teens, but rather among middle-aged women who stay at home, constantly on the computer as a way of connecting to the outside world.Is computer use (or computer downtime) causing a problem in your life? If so, you might be an addict. But you'll have to wait a few more years to find out for sure.
Posted by
7:52 AM
Labels: addict, internet addict
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Craving for mojo's
Last night, i escaped in the house at around a quarter before 9 and went to one of my classmate's crib who was DA. When I reached there, I saw some of my classmates namely Akiss, Mang Jr, Irene, DA, Kuya Bitok, Kent, Roanne and Dacky. They were discussing about what happened earlier that day.
Anyway, suddenly, Dacky asked me out for dinner in Jo's Chicken Inato which was just a walking distance from DA's crib. Since I had my dinner already, I just told her that I will be going with her and will just eat Salad or any dessert. As we went there, it was already closed so we decided to go to McDonalds. When we were already inside and Dacky was already in line for her order, I suddenly told her that I want Mojo's-Mojo's is one of Shakey's Products. And Since Shakey's was just same block with McDonalds, we proceeded to Shakey's instead.
When we were already in Shakey's, I eventually ordered Mojo's a French Fries from a popular west coast Pizza Franchise called Shakey's Pizza which had a ceasar sauce i think and Dacky ordered a Lunch dinner i think. (I forgot the term). Anyway, the mojo's really gave me a treat. It was all worth for P69.00 and a tall glass of iced tea. Wow! I really had a great time chatting with Dacky and at the same time EATING the mojo potatoes of shakeys. And surely it won't be the last time to crave for that food. Yummy!
If you want to know how this Mojo Potatoes of Shakey's being prepared, just click this link and your recipe will be with you in no time : Recipe's for you from Shamai
Posted by
3:31 PM
Labels: Akiss, DA, Irene, Kent, Kuya Bitok, Mang Jr, mojo, Roanne and Dacky, shakey's
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Being with a perfectionist is not that easy. You have to deal with and assure every word that you speak doesn't offended them coz they might take you personally.
Posted by
10:29 PM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
My Hope
Zenni Optical $8 Rx Glasses has already a Complete Single Vision Eyeglasses starting at $8.00. That’s already very affordable. Actually, there are categories which you can choose from, that suites to your taste.
Great Discovery: Zenni Optical isn’t it?
Posted by
3:50 PM
Labels: Advertising, Shopping, Tips, Women
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Am starving to death and yet our teacher is not yet here. :((
Posted by
5:09 PM
Monday, February 11, 2008
I can't post it!
I think I have to refresh my web prog knowledge.. huhu
Posted by
2:09 PM
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
I lost "it"..
Would i still care for her after what happened?..hmm. based on what happened earlier, she doesn't talk to me or even attempted to say sorry for what happened. Well then I won't make any move to mend all of this things. I am who was trounced here. Am I still the one who will apologize?
If this frienship ends in this manner, Well I guess this is what I call fate. If I will really lost this friendship, maybe there will be someone who is much better than what I had. hmm..referring to one person only ha.. ;))
Posted by
11:23 PM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Love taking this.. :)
2 . What was the first thing you thinkthis morning?-- anong oras na? What day is today and what are the things that should be done today.
3 . Is the person you have a crush onolder or younger than you?-- younger.. waaaaaaaaaaaaa
4. What did you do yesterday?-- slept all morning, went to skul in the school and styed there until night.
5. What do you hope to do this week?-- PROJECTS as in PROJECTS.. :((
6. Do you think you will be in a newrelationship 3 months from now?-- nopez.. :P
7. Do you own something that cost morethan $100?-- yepz..
8. Have you ever told someone of theopposite sex you loved them and meantit?-- yupz..I don't say it if I don't mean it. :P
9. How's your heart lately?-- blooming.. haha..
10 . What were you doing this morningat 8am?-- it's still 7:22 to be axact
11 What were you doing this afternoonat 12pm?-- it's still morning..
12. Have you ever talked to someonewhen they were high?-- :)).. lol.. =)) yupz.. and she acted so absurd.. hahaha
13. Have you ever cried while taking ashower?-- hmm.. nopez.. I take my showers after I cry pra d xado halata.. lol
14. What were you doing at 12am lastnight?-- slept
16 . Have you ever, in any way, beenbetrayed by someone you trusted?-- hmm.. yes!
17 . Is there anything that you arecraving for right now?-- fully loaded pizza by gw wid shyan.. I missed it!
18 . Where did your last hug takeplace?-- sa haus.. when me and shyan fought and almost end up our relationship..
19 . Do people ever make stupidmistakes when spelling or saying yourname?-- always.. coz my name is spelled uniquely.. Sharmayne even my nick.. it's Shamai not shamay.. hehe
20 . Have you ever started a sentencewith "No offense, but..."?-- yepz..
21 . Do you drink tea?-- yepz.. i love it especially when it's iced.. :P
22 . Did you ride in someone else'scar today?-- nopez..
Posted by
3:14 PM
Monday, January 28, 2008
This blog was supposed to be a confidential blog but since I don't want to keep anythimg, I will make this public.
Posted by
3:39 PM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Earning through Writing
One time, my friend shared to me that she earned money online through blogging and I saw her browsing blogvertise. And asked her about this website then she told me that I can earn money just through blogging. I also asked her if it's reliable and it was said that it's reliable and user friendly.
Posted by
1:27 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I hate to judge people by their imperfection because I myself is not perfect. But I just can't avoid doing it because of their own doings. Quite confusing?
Actually last Saturday, which was January 19,2007, I went to the school early for our so called meeting in debate. Later, when i finished my lunch, I went to ITRZ which I think it's like a so called internet cafe for the students and personnel. Anyway, I really asked permission from the staff if I could stay inside the laboratory or cafe. And they said yes. so I stayed inside. Now, I sat on one of the computer tables and start reading the book which I borrowed in the library prior that moment.
One of the staffs approached me and talked to me in english coz he said he was practicing english so that his english skilss will improved in which I appreciate. I was like an Ate to him, coz I was sharing the knowledge that I have on what he was doing and I actually endorsed the book that I was reading. He borrowed and read it. Later, he shifted his like coz I already get the book coz I have to study. So he proceeded to his programming assignment and turned on the computer. After a few moments, he was called by someone to do an errand. So he went out, but before he went out, I asked permission to him(her) if I could used the computer that he was using. I can't remember if he declined but as far as i can remember, I really requested from him(her) in a nice way. But instead of replying in a very human way, HE REALLY PULLED MY HAIR and pretended that nothing happened. I was really shocked and just look at him. I just can't believed that he pulled my hair. My mother didn't do that to me ever even my friends. And him, who was just a newly reconciled friend pulled my hair! HE was so FEELING CLOSE. By the way he is a scholar in the school not because of grades but because of working scholar in which I'm not looking down on to.
On what he have done, I just can't help criticizing him. I'm really sorry but I think you don't deserved to be respected. You act like an animal and uneducated. Dude, this is already city. Sorry...
Because of what he had done, I really asked from the different personnel in school on how to kick a working scholar out. Because of what he had done, it was an ANIMALISTIC ACT in which it should not be tolerated and should be put into it's right place.
Do you think Im doing the right thing?
Posted by
1:50 AM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
It sucks!
I just can't believe that I'm that stupid! In a way that I just can't resist to view this person's friendster profile. Maybe because I'm insecure to this person, hmmm maybe because this person doesn't like me and wondering why this person deosn't like me?
What should i do to overcome this feeling? HElp!
Posted by
3:39 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I just can't reseist to look at the pictures of this person. This preson really disturbs me. I just don't know why. Am I insecure? Maybe.. because this person is smart, tall and flawless which all of those can't be found in me. Damn! Why am I born like this! help!
Posted by
5:04 AM
Labels: Insecure?
Sunday, January 13, 2008
My first entry
I just can't believe that I just created this blog because of my anger! I'm so depressed! I'm so sad and I'm so doubtful. About what? Well, It's about my boyfriend.
Actually, here's the story. The other night, I called using my mom's phone because I was really worried about him. He wasn't able to text that he was already home. Because his last text that time was when he was on the motor on his way home. Since then he didn't text me. I was damn worried about him . So, as what i said, I called him using my mom's number. when the phone rang, i was so excited that he was going to answer my call. When the phone was answered there was someone who said "hello" and it was a girl. I was so shocked! So i just said "May I speak with Bryan" and the girl just kept on saying "sino 'to?"(Who's this?). I didn't know what to do so I ended the call. I checked the number thinking that i dialled it incorrectly but the number was right. I called the number again and it was something like it was cannot be reached. I attempted to call again ang it rang, then he answered the call. I was already crying. He asked me why I was crying and told him everyhting that when I first called him, a girl answered his phone and he told me that there was no girl in his house except for his mom and his mom didn't answer the call.
Now, everything is so fishy! I just don't know in which to believe. My own experience or his explanations. Or do you think there's something wrong with the network? My mom's network is globe and I called a sun cellular network.*sigh*
Posted by
3:28 AM
Labels: cheated?